Helping people everywhere save money on prescriptions.
How it works
Step 1
Search for the lowest prices
Step 2
Download or print your discount card
Step 3
Present card at a local Pharmacy and save on your prescriptions!
Accepted at most pharmacies near you
and many more
About Us
At Allegiance RX our priority is to provide significant discounts for the ever-increasing drug prices for patients. Allegiance Rx Is a prescription drug discount card that gives medication discounts for those who are looking for a better price on a particular medication than their current plan can offer or to provide a discount for all of their prescription medication.
  • Why should I use Allegiance Rx?
    Allegiance Rx is a way that you can save on your prescription drug cost especially if you have no insurance coverage or extremely high drug cost.
  • Where is Allegiance Rx discount card accepted?
    Allegiance Rx is taken just about everywhere if you’re wondering about a particular pharmacy location you can click here to see.
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